The Prescription of Huangqin Jia Banxia Shengjiang Tang

The Prescription of Huangqin Jia Banxia Shengjiang Tang is also named 黄芩加半夏生姜汤, 黃芩加半夏生姜湯


The book Shang Han Lun



Sheng Jiang: Dispersing wind-cold, warming the middle energizer to stop vomiting.

Ban Xia: Dissolving phlegm and dispersing accumulation of pathogens, keeping the adverse Qi flowing downward and regulating the stomach.

Da Zao and Zhi Gan Cao: Replenishing the spleen-Qi and tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.

Huang Qin: Clearing heat and removing toxicity.

Shao Yao: Regulating the nutrient system, dispelling pathogenic heat.


Promote diuresis, clear heat and arrest vomiting, alleviate pain.


Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.