
阳维脉 is also named Yang Link Vessel, Yang Wei Mai, 陽維脈


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yang Link Vessel is one of the Eight Extra Meridians. Yang link vessel serves to regulate the infusion and effusion of qi and blood in the meridians rather than being involved in the blood circulation. Yang link vessel functions to communicate with all yang meridians.

The coalescent points


Aversion to cold with fever and lumbago.

The Course of the Vessel

It starts from the lateral side of the heel, emerges from the external malleolus, ascends along the Shaoyang Gall Bladder Meridian of Foot to the hip region. It runs further upward along the posterior aspect of the hypochondriac and costal regions, posterior aspect of the axilla, shoulder, and forehead. It then turns backward to the back of the neck to communicate with the Governor Vessel.

You can see the corese of Yang Link Vessel in the picture below.

yang link vessel
yang link vessel