Yu Mi Xu

Yu Mi Xu is also named Corn Stigma, 玉米须, 玉米須, Stigma Maydis
Yu Mi Xu
Yu Mi Xu


Yu Mi Xu (Corn Stigma)


Sweet, bland, neutral; stomach, kidney, liver and gallbladder meridians entered.


Promote diuresis, purge heat, calm the liver and promote biliation.


Renal edema, hypertension, cholecystitis, gall stone, hepatitis with jaundice, diabetes, dermatophytosis, nasosinusitis, acute mastitis, hematemesis, epistaxis.

Dosage and administration

Decoct 14~30 g, large dosage can be 60~90 g, or stir-bake it into charcoal and grind it into powder. Proper dosage is for external application, burnt into smoke for inhalation.


Don’t take it for healthy people.