Wa Leng Zi

Wa Leng Zi is also named 瓦楞子, Ark Shell, Concha Arcae
Wa Leng Zi
Wa Leng Zi
Wa Leng Zi2
Wa Leng Zi2


Wa Leng Zi(Ark Shell)


Salty, neutral; lung, stomach and liver meridians entered.


Resolve phlegm, soften hardness, dissipate blood stasis and resolve stagnation.


Scrofula, abdominal mass, stomachache, noma, acid regurgitation, phlegm stagnation.

Dosage and administration

Decoct 9~15 g. Smash and decoct first. It also can be made into pill or powder. Proper dosage is for external application, stir-baked into charcoal and then pounded into powder for applying.