Tu Niu Xi

Tu Niu Xi is also named 土牛膝, Achyranthes Aspera
Tu Niu Xi
Tu Niu Xi


Tu Niu Xi (Achyranthes Aspera)


Bitter, sour, neutral; liver and kidney meridians entered.


Activate blood and dissipate blood stasis, dispel dampness and promote diuresis, clear heat and remove toxicity.


Stranguria, abdominal mass, urine with blood, malaria, edema, dysentery, traumatic injury, diphtheria, barbiers, rheumatoid arthritis, amenorrhea, sores.

Dosage and administration

Decoct 9~15 g or 30~60 g of fresh product. Proper dosage is for external application, pounded for applying or pounded into juice for ear drop, or pounded into powder for puffing through throat.


It is contraindicated to pregnant women.