The Prescription of Zheng Zhong Dan

The Prescription of Zheng Zhong Dan is also named 枕中丹, 孔圣枕中丹, 孔聖枕中丹


The book Yi Xin Fang

Ingredients (with the same dose)


Yuan Zhi: Calming heart and inducing tranquilization.

Chang Pu: Inducing resuscitation and refreshing mind, calming heart and inducing tranquilization.

Long Gu: Inducing sedation and tranquilization, pacifying liver and subduing yang.

Gui Ban: Nourishing yin of liver and kidney, subduing yang, nourishing blood and tonifying heart.


Nourish yin to tonify kidney, nourish the heart and benefit intelligence .


Amnesia, prolonged unhealed epilepsy.