The Prescription of Zelan Tang

The Prescription of Zelan Tang is also named 泽兰汤, 澤蘭湯


The book Yi Xue Xin Wu



Ze Lan: Activating blood, dispelling blood stasis and resolving swelling.

Shu Di: Tonifying blood, nourishing yin of liver and kidney, supplementing essence.

Dang Gui: Nourishing blood and activating the flow of it.

Bai Shao: Enriching blood and regulating Ying.

Niu Xi: Activating blood and dredging meridians, tonifying the liver and kidney, strengthening tendon and bone, promoting diuresis and relieving stranguria, conducting fire (blood) to go downward.

Chong Wei Zi: Activating blood and regulating the menstruation.

Bai Zi Ren: Tonifying the heart and inducing tranquilization, moistening intestines for relaxing bowels.


Activate blood and regulate menstruation.


Irregular menstruation and amenorrhea.


Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.