The Prescription of Xiaoji Yinzi

The Prescription of Xiaoji Yinzi is also named 小蓟饮子, 小薊飲子


Small Thistle Decoction


The book Ji Sheng Fang



Xiao Ji: The principal drug, removing heat from blood and stopping bleeding.

Ou Jie and Pu Huang: Removing heat from blood, stopping bleeding and eliminating blood stasis.

Hua Shi: Removing heat pathogens, promoting water metabolism and inducing diuresis.

Mu Tong, Zhu Ye and Zhi Zi: Removing and purging heat from the heart, lung and tri-Jiao.

Sheng Di: Nourishing Yin and removing heat, removing heat from blood and stopping bleeding.

Dang Gui: Nourishing and regulating blood.

Gan Cao: Tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.


Removing heat from blood, stopping bleeding, promoting water metabolism and inducing diuresis.


Syndrome due to retention of heat in the lower-Jiao, marked by painful and dribbling and frequent urination with scanty and deep-colored and bloody urine, reddened tongue and rapid pulse; including such diseases with the above symptoms as urinary infection and stone in the urinary system.


Decocted in water for oral dose to be taken twice.