The Prescription of Xiangleng Wan

The Prescription of Xiangleng Wan is also named 香棱丸


The book Chong Ding Yan Shi Ji Sheng Fang



Mu Xiang, Ding Xiang and Xiao Hui Xiang: Warming meridians and regulating qi.

Chuan Lian Zi and Zhi Qiao: Promoting the flow of qi and alleviating pain.

Zhu Sha: Inducing sedation and tranquilization.

San Leng and E Zhu: Promoting the flow of qi and breaking blood, dissipating nodulation and abdominal mass.

Qing Pi: Soothing the liver and relieving depression, eliminating stagnation.


Promote the flow of qi and dissipate nodulation and abdominal mass.


Abdominal mass, phlegm accumulation.