The Prescription of Neixiao Lianqiao Wan
The book Yu Ji Wei Yi
- Lian Qiao 90 g,
- Lou Lu 45 g,
- Hu Tao Rou 45 g,
- Xia Ku Cao 45 g,
- Tu Gua Gen 45 g,
- She Gan 45 g,
- Ze Lan 45 g,
- Sha Shen 45 g,
- Bai Ji 45 g.
Lian Qiao: Dispersing wind-heat, clearing heart-heat and removing toxicity.
Ze Lan: Activating blood and dispelling blood stasis, promoting diuresis and resolving swelling.
She Gan: Clearing lung heat and dispelling phlegm.
Sha Shen: Clearing lung fire and tonifying lung yin.
Lou Lu and Xia Ku Cao: Clearing and purging liver fire, removing toxicity and dissipating nodulation.
Tu Gua Gen: Clearing heat and removing toxicity, resolving swelling and dissipating nodulation.
He Tao Ren: Tonifying the kidney, warming yang and moistening intestine.
Bai Ji: Astringing to stop bleeding, resolving swelling, promoting tissue regeneration.
Dissipate nodulation and soften hardness.
All the drugs are ground into fine powder. The powder is made with wine into pills.