The Prescription of Buhuanjin Zhengqi San

The Prescription of Buhuanjin Zhengqi San is also named 不换金正气散, 不換金正氣散


The book Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang

Ingredients (with the same dose)


Huo Xiang: Dispersing wind-cold and removing dampness as well as sending up the lucid Qi and sending down the turbid to treat cholera morbus.

Ban Xia and Chen Pi: Removing dampness, regulating the stomach, checking upward adverse flow of Qi and relieving vomiting.

Hou Po: Inducing Qi to flow downward and relieving distention.

Zhi Gan Cao: Invigorating the spleen and stomach, tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.

Cang Zhu: Drying dampness and invigorating spleen, dispelling wind-dampness.


Dry dampness and resolve phlegm, regulate qi and harmonize the spleen and stomach.


All the drugs are ground into fine powder. 9 g of the powder with Sheng Jiang 10 g and 2 dates is decocted in water for oral dose to be taken on empty stomach.


Avoid fat, raw or cold food and excitant food during treatment.