The Prescription of Bazhen Yimu Wan

The Prescription of Bazhen Yimu Wan is also named 八珍益母丸



Shu Di and Dang Shen: The principal drugs, invigorating Qi and nourishing blood.

Bai Zhu and Fu Ling: Strengthening the spleen to remove dampness.

Dang Gui and Bai Shao: Nourishing blood and regulating Ying.

Chuan Xiong: Regulating blood and promoting the flow of Qi.

Zhi Gan Cao: Replenishing Qi and regulating the function of the middle-Jiao.

Yi Mu Cao: Activating blood and regulating menstruation, promoting diuresis and dissolving edema, clearing heat and removing toxicity.


Tonify qi and blood, regulate menstruation.


Dizziness, abnormal menstruation, fatigue, qi and blood deficiency, palpitation.