Song Hua Fen

Song Hua Fen is also named Pollen Pini, 松花粉, Pine Pollen
Song Hua Fen
Song Hua Fen


Song Hua Fen (Pollen Pini)


The drug is the dried pollen of Pinus thunbergii Parl.(family Pinaceae), cultivated in tile East Liaoning peninsula, Shandong, Wuhan, Jiangsu, Zbejiang, Shanghai, Fujian, Taiwan of China.


Sweet, warm; liver and spleen meridians entered.


Astringe and stop bleeding, dry dampness and heal wound.


Eczema, impetigo, traumatic bleeding, skin erosion, pus oozing.

Dosage and administration

Decoct 3~6 g, or soaked in wine. Proper dosage is for external application, sprinkled on the affected areas.