Radix Semiaquilegiae

Radix Semiaquilegiae is also named Tian Kui Zi , 天葵子, Muskroot-like Semiaquilegia Root
Tian Kui Zi
Tian Kui Zi
Tian Kui Zi2
Tian Kui Zi2


Tian Kui Zi (Muskroot-like Semiaquilegia Root)


Sweet, bitter, cold; liver and stomach meridians entered.


Clear heat and remove toxicity, resolve swelling and dissipate nodulation, promote diuresis.


Sores and boils, epilepsy, traumatic injury, snake bites, scrofula, haemorrhoid, cough due to lung deficiency, morbid leucorrhea, hernia, stranguria with turbid discharge, infantile convulsion.

Dosage and administration

Decoct 3~9 g, or made into powder, 1.5~3 g, or soaked in wine. Proper dosage is for external application, pounded for applying or eye drop.


It is contraindicated for loose stool and spleen deficiency.