Radix Euphorbiae Pekinensis

Radix Euphorbiae Pekinensis is also named Jing Da Ji, 京大戟, Peking Euphorbia Root
Jing Da Ji京大戟
Jing Da Ji京大戟


Jing Da Ji (Radix Euphorbiae Pekinensis)——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal)


The root of Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr. of family Euphorbiciceae.


Mainly in Jiangsu, Sichuan, and Guangxi provinces, etc. of China.


Collected in spring and autumn.

The actual smell and taste

Light smell, slightly bitter and astringent taste.

Best quality

Well-distributed root, fat, and soft without rootlet.


Unprocessed or processed with vinegar.


Bitter, cold, toxic, large intestine, lung, and kidney meridians entered.


Drive out accumulated water, relieve swelling and dissipate nodulation in topical application.


A. Edema, tympanites and hydrothorax

It has a similar but less drastic action than that of Gan Sui, and commonly indicated for edema, tympanites and hydrothorax without deficiency of original qi. It is often combined with Gan Sui and Yuan Hua, as in Shi Zao Tang from Shang Han Lun.

B. Sores and abscess

It has the action of relieving swelling and dissipating nodulation when being used topically. For sores and abscess due to heat-toxin, the fresh root can be applied externally after pounded, or used in combination with the herbs of removing toxicity, curing abscess, and dissipating nodulation.

Dosage and Administrations

0.5~1g used in pills or powder for each time. Proper dosage is for topical administration. It should be processed with vinegar to weaken its toxins when taking orally.


It is contraindicated to pregnancy and valetudinarian, and antagonistic to Gan Cao.