Lychee Seed

Lychee Seed is also named Li Zhi He , Semen Litchi, 荔枝核
Li Zhi He
Li Zhi He


Li Zhi He (Semen Litchi)——Ben Cao Yan Yi (Augmented Materia Medica)


The mature seed of Litchi chinensis Sonn.


Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi provinces in China.


Collected in summer.

The true smell and taste

Slight smell, bland and astringent.

Best quality

Dry, big and full.


Unprocessed or prepared with salt water.


Pungent, slightly bitter, warm; liver and stomach meridians entered.


Move qi, dispel cold and alleviate pain.


A. Hernia and distending pain in testicle

It enters liver meridian and has the actions of moving qi and dissipating nodulation, dispersing cold and alleviating pain. For hernia of cold type, it is usually combined with the cold-dispersing, pain-alleviating and nodulation-dissipating herbs such as Xiao Hui Xiang, Wu Zhu Yu and Ju He. For distending pain in testicle, it is usually combined with the qi-moving and pain-alleviating herbs. For instance it is combined with Mu Xiang, Chuan Lian Zi and Xiao Hui Xiang in Li Zhi San from Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng.

B. Abdominal pain due to qi stagnation

It has the actions of soothing liver and harmonizing stomach, moving qi and alleviating pain. For disharmony of liver and stomach due to liver qi stagnation manifested as gastric pain, it is usually combined with the qi-moving, middle-energizer-regulating and pain-alleviating herbs. For instance it is combined with Mu Xiang in Li Xiang San from Jing Yue Quan Shu. For dysmenorrhea and postpartum abdominal pain due to liver qi stagnation and blood stasis, it is combined with the liver-soothing and qi-regulating herbs. For instance it is combined with Xiang Fu in Juan Tong San from Fu Ren Da Quan Liang Fang; or combined with the herbs of activating blood and regulating rnenorrhea, soothing liver and regulating qi such as Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong and Chai Hu.

Dosage and Administrations

Decoct 5~10 g.