Food therapies on constipation

Food therapies on constipation is also named 便秘的食疗, 便秘的食療

Constipation refers to the stagnation of stool, prolonged defecation time, or difficulty in defecation. It is mainly due to peristalsis colorectal disorders, stool in the intestines stay too long, the moisture is absorbed and excessive stool is too dry and hard.

The general manifestation of constipation is difficulty in constipation, often excretion time is three or five days or seven、eight days, sometimes even longer. It can also cause abdominal distention, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, dizziness and headache, insomnia; long-term constipation will cause haemorrhoids, blood in the stool, anal fissure. A reasonable diet can prevent constipation effectively and reduce the incidence of complications.

Food therapies principles:

  • 1 Drink 1 cup of cold boiling water after getting up, or you can add a little salt in the boiling water.

  • 2 Eat more vegetables and fruits that are rich in crude fiber, such as celery, leek, pineapple, oranges, bananas and so on. Also, food rich in B family vitamins, such as coarse grains, yeast, beans and their products, they can promote the secretion of digestive liquid.

  • 3 Intake appropriate fat:One can choose peanuts and sesame, walnut, peanut oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, etc..

  • 4 One should take appropriate agar products, as it’s helpful for excretion.

  • 5 Eat more food that are gas-producing foods, in order to promote intestinal peristalsis. Such as onion, radish, garlic, beans.

  • 6 Eat more foods that cabn nourish the intestines, such as the white fungus, banana, honey.

  • 7 Avoid drinking alcohol, tea, coffee, pepper, coffee,etc.

General foods:

  • 1 Two bananas. Eat on empty stomach.

  • 2 Potato juice:30 grams fresh potatos, clean and smash potato, add right amount of honey, drink in the morning on empty stomach. Drink 7~10 days.

  • 3 Honey tea:put tea into the cup, stew with boiling water, add honey when water get cold. Apply after each meal for a few days, until the excretion is normal.

  • 4 Sesame sugar powder: black sesame seeds 500 grams, sugar 100 grams. Dry and smash the sesame into powder, add sugar, mix well, put into bottles. Apply 2 times a day for 15 grams each time; or apply early in the morning and at night for 15 grams each time.

  • 5 Song zi ren porridge:song zi ren 50 grams, 100 grams of rice. Dry and fry song zi ren, add into the casserole with of rice, add proper amount of water, simmer into porridge. Apply in the morning and at night. You can add honey on personal taste.

  • 6 Fried onion:Fry 2-3 onions as vegetables.

  • 7 Boiled mushrooms:mushrooms 30~50 pieces, clean and cook, apply 1 time a day for 3~5 days.

  • 8 Apply walnut meat 5 pieces everyday for 30 days.

  • 9 Spinach pig blood soup:spinach 250 grams, pig blood 150~200 grams, boil with casserole until its done.

  • 10 Cold dish of spinach:spinach 200 grams, claen and cut into sections, boil for a while, add appropriate amount of sesame oil and apply at meal.

  • 11 Cool salty boiling water. Apply one cup in the morning for continuously 2 weeks.

1.Hot constipation:

clinical manifestations:

Dry stool;abdominal distention and pain, red face and hot body, dry mouth, halitosis, upset and uneasy, short reddish urine, slippery and rapid pulse.

Food therapies principles:

Purge heat and eliminate stagnation;nourish intestines and clear excretion.

Food therapies:

  • 1 Cold dish spinach:250g spinach, clean and chop, scald in boiling water, add a little benne oil.

  • 2 Apple: Eat one or two apples a day for a couple of days.

2.Gas constipation:

clinical manifestations:

Dry stool, difficulty in excretion, borborygmus and abdominal pain, fullness in chest, frequent eructation, eating less or having poor appetite, thin and greasy tongue coating, string pulse.

Food therapies principles:

Guiding qi download and clear stagnation.

Food therapies:

1 Fried hong shu ye: 500g hong shu ye, add oil and salt, fry well. Apply 2 times a day for several days.

2 Yellow beans skin drink: yellow beans skin 200g, boil well. Apply 2 times on one dose a day for several days.

3.Qi deficiency symptoms:

clinical manifestations:

Difficulty in excretion, sweating, shortness of breath, tired after excretion, white complexion, spiritlessness, not willing to talk, tired body, pale tongue with white coating, weak pulse.

Food therapies principles:

Tonifying qi and nourish intestines.

Food therapies:

Huang qi sesame plaster:black sesame 60g, honey 60g, huang qi 15g. Smash the sesame into paste, boil well and add honey, fry huang qi and collect the huang qi decoction. Apply the paste along with the decoction. Apply one dose in two times a day for continuously several days.

4.Blood deficiency:

clinical manifestations:

Dry stool, lusterless complexion, palpitation, insomnia, forgetfulness, pale lips, tongue pale with white coating, thin pulse.

Food therapies principles:

Tonifying blood and moistening dryness.

Food therapies:

  • 1 Almond sesame paste:90g black sesame, 60g almond,90g rice, dang gui 9g. Proper sugar. Soak the first three materials in water and smash into paste, boil well and apply along with dang gui and sugar. Apply one time a day for several days.

  • 2 Mulberry juice:fresh mulberry 50g, smash for juice. Apply with warm water for two times a day on continuously several days.

5.Cold constipation:

clinical manifestations:

Dry stool or not, difficulty in excretion, clear long urine, pale complexion, cold limbs, cold pain in abdomen, cold pain in waist and knees, pale tongue with white coating, deep pulse.

Food therapies principles:

Warm yang and induce excretion.

Food therapies:

Hu tao ren powder:5 hu tao ren, dty them and smash into powder. Apply before sleep with hot water for one to two months.