Folium Elaeagni

Folium Elaeagni is also named Hu Tui Zi Ye, 胡颓子叶, Thorny Elaeagnus Leaf, 胡頹子葉
Hu Tui Zi Ye
Hu Tui Zi Ye
Hu Tui Zi Ye2
Hu Tui Zi Ye2


Hu Tui Zi Ye (Thorny Elaeagnus Leaf)


Sour, slightly warm; lung meridian entered.


Stop cough and relieve dyspnea.


Cough and dyspnea, traumatic hemorrhage, sores and boils, hemoptysis.

Dosage and administration

Decoct 9~15 g or pound into powder, 2~3 g per time. Proper dosage is for external application, pounded for applying or decocted for washing.