Feng Chao

Feng Chao is also named Feng Fang , 蜂房, 露蜂房, Honeycomb, 蜂巢, Nidus Vespae
Feng Fang
Feng Fang


Feng Fang (Honeycomb)


Sweet, neutral; stomach meridian entered.


Dispel wind, counteract toxic pathogen and kill parasites.


Scrofula, sores and boils, urticaria itching, wandering arthritis, acute mastitis, tinea capitis, toothache due to wind-fire, anal fistula, epilepsy, swelling and pain due to bee sting.

Dosage and administration

Decoct 5~10 g or grind into powder for oral taking, 2~5 g. Proper dosage is for external application, pounded into powder for applying or decocted for washing.


It is contraindicated in case of renal insufficiency or qi deficiency.