黄龙汤 is also named The Prescription of Huanglong Tang, 黃龍湯
The book Shang Han Liu Shu
- Da Huang 3 g,
- Mang Xiao 3 g,
- Zhi Shi 2.4 g,
- Hou Po 2.4 g,
- Ren Shen 2.4 g,
- Dang Gui 2.4 g,
- Gan Cao 2 g,
- Sheng Jiang 9 g,
- Jie Geng a bit,
- Da Zao 2 dates.
Da Huang, Mang Xiao, Zhi Shi and Hou Po: Drastically eliminating heat accumulation.
Ren Shen and Dang Gui: Tonifying qi and blood.
Jie Geng: Ventilating the lung.
Sheng Jiang. Da Zao and Gan Cao: Invigorating the stomach, tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.
Clear heat, tonify qi and blood.
Coma and delirium, unpalpable abdominal pain, dry heat in stomach and intestine, dry and yellowish coating on the tongue, qi and blood deficiency, watery stool, deep, thready and rapid pulse.
Decocted in water for oral dose to be taken twice.