
赞育丹 is also named 贊育丹, The Prescription of Zan Yu Dan


The book Jing Yue Quan Shu



Fu Zi: Restoring yang from collapse, reinforcing fire and strengthening yang, dispelling cold to alleviate pain.

Rou Gui: Warming and strengthening the kidney-Yang.

Gou Qi: Nourishing liver and kidney yin, supplementing blood and essence.

Shu Di: Tonifying blood, nourishing yin of liver and kidney, supplementing essence.

Shan Zhu Yu, Ba Ji, Xian Mao, She Chuang Zi, Rou Cong Rong, Jiu Cai Zi, Yin Yang Huo and Du Zhong: Tonifying the kidney and strengthening yang, securing essence.

Dang Gui: Tonifying blood and activating blood, regulating menstruation.

Bai Zhu: Tonifying spleen qi, drying dampness, inducing diuresis, arresting sweating and preventing abortion.


Tonify liver and kidney, supplement essence, tonify blood, strengthen yang.


Impotence, barrenness due to deficiency cold.


All the drugs are ground into fine powder. The powder is made with honey into pills. 9 g of the pills is taken each time with warm water.