

The book Yang Yi Da Quan



Zhen Zhu: Promoting tissue regeneration and wound healing.

Ru Xiang and Mo Yao: Activating blood, promoting the flow of qi and alleviating pain, resolving swelling and promoting tissue regeneration.

Long Gu: Inducing sedation and tranquilization, arresting and astringing discharge.

Xue Jie: Dispelling stasis and alleviating pain, stopping bleeding and promoting tissue regeneration.

Qing Fen: Astringing dampness and healing wound for external application.

Xiang Pi: Stopping bleeding and astringing the wound, removing rotten tissue and promoting tissue regernation.

Hu Po: Inducing sedation and tranquilization, activating blood and resolving stasis.

Hai Piao Xiao: Astringing to stop bleeding, alleviating pain.

Er Cha: Activating blood and curing trauma, stopping bleeding, promoting regeneration.


Dissipate stasis, resolve swelling, stop bleeding and astringe the wound.


Incised wound, flogging trauma.


All the drugs are pounded into fine powder. Apply the powder on the affected area.