

The book Yi Zong Jin Jian



Huang Qi: Invigorating Qi and expelling pus.

Ren Shen: Tonifying qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach.

Bai Zhu: Strengthening the spleen and drying dampness.

Bai Zhi: Expelling wind and releasing exterior, alleviating pain, relieving stuffy nose, drying dampness and stopping leucorrhea.

Sheng Ma: Expelling pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin, promoting eruption, removing toxic substances.

Dang Gui: Nourishing blood and promoting its circulation.

Chuan Shan Jia and Zao Jiao Ci: Clearing away heat and promoting the flow of Qi, softening masses and expelling pus.

Gan Cao Jie: Clearing heat and removing toxicity.

Qing Pi: Promoting the circulation of qi and soothing the liver, resolving stagnation.


Sores and boils that haven’t collapsed.


Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.