小青龙加石膏汤 is also named The Prescription of Xiao Qinglong Jia Shigao Tang, 小青龍加石膏湯
The book Jin Gui Yao Lue
- Ma Huang 9 g,
- Shao Yao 9 g,
- Gui Zhi 6 g,
- Xi Xin 3 g,
- Gan Cao 6 g,
- Gan Jiang 3 g,
- Wu Wei Zi 3 g,
- Ban Xia 9 g,
- Shi Gao 9 g.
Ma Huang and Gui Zhi: The principal drugs, inducing diaphoresis to relieve exterior syndrome, facilitating the flow of the lung-Qi to relieve asthma.
Gan Jiang and Xi Xin: Warming the lung to reduce watery phlegm, assisting Ma Huang and Gui Zhi in relieving exterior syndrome.
Wu Wei Zi: Astringing Qi.
Shao Yao: Nourishing blood.
Ban Xia: Lowering the adverse flow of Qi by means of removing phlegm and regulating the stomach.
Zhi Gan Cao: Supplementing Qi and regulating the stomach, tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.
Shi Gao: Removing heat and restlessness.
Relieve exterior syndrome and resolve retained fluid, clear heat and relieve restlessness.
Decocted in water for oral dose to be taken twice.