
十枣汤 is also named The Prescription of Shizao Tang, 十棗湯


Ten-date Decoction


The book Shang Han Lun

Ingredients( with the same dose)


Gan Sui: Being bitter in flavor and cold in nature, removing retained water in the channels.

Da Ji: Being bitter in flavor and cold in nature, purging water retained in Zang-Fu organs.

Yuan Hua: Being pungent in flavor and warm in nature, eliminating retained water and phlegm from the hypochondrium.

Da Zao: Replenishing Qi, protecting the stomach, alleviating the drastic action and toxicity of all the other ingredients to prevent impairment of vital Qi due to purgation.


Eliminating water retention drastically.


Syndrome due to retention of excessive fluids in the interior, marked by pain in the hypochondriac region caused by cough and expectoration, fullness and rigidity in the epigastrium, nausea, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, or difficulty in breathing due to chest pain referring to the back, deep wiry pulse, or marked by general edema which is especially severe below the loins, dyspnea and fullness due to abdominal distention, and difficulty in urination and defecation; including such diseases with the above symptoms as exudative pleuritis, tuberculous peritonitis, ascites due to cirrhosis and chronic nephritis, etc.


This prescription should be cautiously prescribed for the debilitated or pregnant women.


Yuan Hua, Gan Sui and Da Ji are ground into powder, Da Zao is decocted for the decoction. 1.5-3 g of the powder is infused with adequate amount of the decoction and taken on an empty stomach in the morning, 1 time daily. Because this prescription is a drastic one for eliminating retained water, the administration of it should start with smaller dose (1.5g). Persistent diarrhea, if occurring after it is taken, may be stopped through taking cool and thin gruel or drinking cold boiled water.