
健忘的食療 is also named Food therapies on forgetful mind, 健忘的食疗

Forgetful, refers to the poor memory, it is easy to forget anything that encounters. It rarely exists alone, but often occurs with palpitation, insomnia, etc. It is commonly seen as neurasthenia, cerebral arteriosclerosis, softening of the brain disease.

Diet principles:

  • Suitable for more foods rich in protein, cellulose and trace elements.

  • 1.Protein rich foods: milk, eggs, fish, animal innards, soy products and so on.

  • 2.Cellulose rich foods:vegetables, fruits, coarse grains.

  • 3.Food containing trace elements more: animal internal organs, blood, meat, vegetables, nuts, etc.

  • Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid internal lesion caused by overexertion mind, mental depression, keep the law of life, and cheer up.

  • Control the intake of sugar, fat, eat less greasy, sweet food.

  • Eat less excitant foods, such as pepper, chili, strong tea, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.

General foods:

  • 1.Longan porridge:longan 25 grams, 100 grams of rice, proper sugar. Boil for porridge, add in sugar. Eat as breakfast for a few days.

  • 2.Sesame walnut sugar:250g black sesame seed, walnut meat 250 grams, 500 grams of brown sugar. Stir-fry black sesame seed, walnut kernel until they are done. Add sugar into a pot, drop right amount of water, stew until sugar liquid get viscous, turn out to be filamentous when provoking, then cease fire, add in sesame seed, walnut meat, stir and pour into the pan of the enamel coated with vegetable oil. Cut into slices when it’s cold. Apply 2 times a day for 50-100 grams each.

Deficiency on heart and spleen:

Clinical manifestations

Forgetful, mental tired, dizziness, palpitation, insomnia, dreaminess, pale complexion, pale tongue with white coating, weak pulse.

Principle of foods:

Tonifying spleen qi, nourishing heart and mind.

Dietotherapy foods:

  • 1.Longan jujube congee longan 15 grams, red jujube 3 ~ 5 pieces, 100 grams of rice. Cook porridge, add a little brown sugar. Apply 15 days straight, for 1 time a day.

  • 2.Lotus seed shan yao porridge:lotus seed 25 grams, 15 grams of shan yao, rice 100 grams. Cook porridge. Add a little sugar or salt according to personal taste.

  • 3.Bai zi ren porridge:bai zi ren 15 grams, smash well, 100 grams of rice. Cook porridge, add right amount honey.

  • 4.Black beans longan qian shi jujube soup: black beans 45 grams, longan meat 15 grams, jujube 10 pieces, qian shi 15 g. Soak the black beans in water for half day, then boil with longan, qian shi, big jujube, for porridge. Divide into 2 times a day and apply for 7 ~ 10 days.